23. Jul, 2016

Dreamspell 13:20 Galactic Head Quarters Australia


                       MELBOURNE ~ AUSTRALIA

The Law of Natural Time and the Dreamspell Calendar

Living and Learning in Natural Time , in alignment and accordance with the cycle and flow of Mother Nature the Great Goddess Gaia, is living in harmony with the 13 moon 28 kin ( day) grid.

Each 365 day solar year is held within one of 4 year bearers, being either Seed, Moon,  Wizard, or Storm, and will be numbered by one of 13 tones allotted year by year in a wavespell of numeric and galactic vibration. 

On 26 th of July each 365 day year, the new cycle of harmonic convergence begins, a new year, just as we celebrate ( in the Gregorian system of calendar, so the natural cosmic year truly begins.

This year , we end the day as usual on the 25th of July, known as the Day out of Time, where people gather across the world in meditation, prayer and sharing setting the intention for peace in our hearts, and on our planet.

Today is the Day out of time, it is kin 218 White Planetary Mirror, a day of reflection and forgiveness. Tomorrow, is kin 219  Blue Spectral Storm, which will be known and felt as the energy for the coming 13 moons, ( 12 months in Gregorian).

Blue Spectral Storm kin 219

I dissolve in order to catalyse, I release energy, I seal the matrix of self –generation, with the Spectral tone of liberation, I am guided by the power of my own power doubled.

Contact ShirleySienna and Paula Forster    

ShirleySienna and Paula live in Melbourne, and work in vibration with this energy and the teachings given by  Jose Arguelles ( Dec)  aka ( Valum Votan) and his partner Stephanie South ( Red Queen) whom now is the director of the Law of Time Foundation, and it is in connection to and respect of that we hold space energy and information here available to all whom find themselves interested in further learning, understanding and allowing themselves to find an amazing revelation and essence of true light, when they find themselves stepping into the labyrinth of consciousness that even a little understanding of the Dreamspell offers.                                                                                              

 20  Seals   and 13 tones create a calendar of 260 kin types. Seals or Signatures: 

 1 Red Dragon, 2 White Wind, 3 Blue Night, 4 Yellow Seed, 5 Red Serpent, 5 White WorldBridger, 7 Blue Hand, 8 Yellow Star, 9 Red Moon, 10 White Dog, 11 Blue Monkey, 12, Yellow Human, 13 Red Skywalker, 14 White Wizard, 15 Blue Eagle, 16 Yellow Warrior,  17 Red Earth, 18 White Mirror, 19 Blue Storm, 20 Yellow Sun.

Tones of Harmonic Convergence.

1 Magnetic, 2 Lunar, 3 Electric, 4 Self Existing, 5 Overtone, 6 Rhythmic, 7 Resonant, 8 Galactic , 9 Solar, 10 Planetary, 11 Spectral, 12 Crystal, 13 Cosmic.

To find you Kin, signature and tone, you can go to www.lawoftime.org

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