ShirleySienna Intro

If you would like to book a reading or Sacred Soul Symmetry session,  just check out the costs and services page.

Interstate and overseas clients, please rememember live online/zoom sessions are available.

Please email me at

About ShirleySienna

Born into a family already conscious and understanding of the spiritual philosophy, opened the way to ShirleySienna discovering her own gifts of spirit early on in life.

As a primary school aged child she was already enraptured with her grandmothers books of physical mediumship ( where the configuration and materialisation of spirit is produced by the sitting ‘physical medium’) and the fact that the soul carried on life after death, was not a mystery but a knowing , and the vision and visitors from the spirit world ShirleySienna experienced, were a part of  the development of her intuitive and psychic abilities

This was all a part of the foundation for her eventual professional ability as a psychic medium.

Discovering the power of meditation and healing , crystals healing,  crystal skulls,and many other spiritual and shamanically inspired wisdoms along the way, has led ShirleySienna, along a journey from early childhood, an assisted her in understanding and being closely aligned with the spirit world, dimensions and realities that exist beyond our usual human perception.

Described by a well known English medium as a ‘soul medium’ and encouraged by enlightened and knowlegable practitioners and teachers around the world to follow the dream and stand for spirit, have been confirmations of the passion and focus that has made spiritual unfoldment, and sharing , her life, not just her work.

ShirleySienna herself leads retreats and gatherings around Australia, and overseas  and is a well known and respected psychic medium,  and worker for spirit.

She enjoys travelling, and writing and her Divine Time column and other articles can be read each month in Supernal Australia Magazine. 

ShirleySiennas services come together under what spirit describes to her as Divine SYMMETRY.

Spirit and Beyond -Mediumship and Interealm Connection and Communication.

Soul Inspired Readings

Divine Numerology

Oracle and Tarot Card readings.

Private and Public  presentations of many ideas, philosophies and wisdom teachings,  and demonstrations of mediumship and all of the above.


Hi everyone, welcome to my new and very simple NewsUPdate for July and August 

*As we are entering a new age of Earth life, like it or not – the best way we can take care of ourselves and assist those around us in doing the same is to share positive vibrations of self-care, and awareness. No longer must we make our way down a rabbit hole, as the ground has opened up before us, and how we see what is ‘hidden in plain sight’ will align without personal definition of reality, or- our perception of it!

I will share a tarot/numerical reading every ‘NewsUpdate’ for you to take up if you wish.

(Drawn from the Radiant Rider-Waite Tarot, with my personal and relevant interpretation) Card of Issue! Seven of Swords -beware the seven of swords, it may hold surprises and more joy than you thought or expected!

You will find over the next couple of months, namely July and August which vibrate for 2024 into a numerical frequency of 13, lucky for some compacted neatly into a 4 when coupled together, giving you the ability to create a positive and clear foundation amidst the current chaos and confusion of the outer world. (it’s now working for me, or I wouldn’t be organizing a news update!)

Although you may have a lot to handle, and your hands are full, remember you don’t have to carry everything at once, they are not tied, and nor do you have to, or should you carry others burdens. Keep a smile on your face, turn the other cheek when necessary and the divine seven energy will keep you from tripping over your feet, it will keep the enemy at arms-length, and will allow you to be diverse and focused at the same time.

Keep your energy field and personal vibe up, this is the way to climb hills without noticing, and to neatly step out of harms way, simply by turning a toe in another direction. An easy gait and an open gate, a field of harvest and simple pleasures are easily accessed, but you must be ready and open to receive and to share.

Emotionally stable if you work on releasing from the ‘Soular plexus’ area, that which you have held onto and allowed to work its way into your cellular memory. Its time to naturally rid ourselves of ailments and less than pleasant physical experiences – thank them very much and imagine them leaving the body like clouds of puffy smoke, an old and unpleasant odour! (yuk) and leaking fluid that no longer belongs in you _ sorry for the description but it is what it is.

Imagine lovely clear translucent but beautifully colored liquid light crystal coming into you now, filling the void left in and around the cells, by the old and outworn (and now unnecessary ‘stuff’ you were holding onto, cos you thought you had too, as sometimes the devil we know fills the void) – This fresh new energy can pour in from the ewer of the divine, you can imagine sipping it from the dipper of the well-springs, ever and always available. The cup of kindness of spirit is there for all. You are the Holy Grail – fill yourself with what you deserve – Love.

*Community and Events Coming Up: Day out of Time. Thursday evening 25th July, (Kin 18, White Overtone Mirror) at 7pm Myself and Anthony K are facilitating a ‘Day out of Time’, sound and journey meditation event, in order to raise the vibe of conscious creating and slip into the incoming new cycle – which is designated to bring change and new ways of thinking, seeing and experiencing. The cost is $25, Pay at the door. Bring a shawl or blanket, your water bottle. Crib Point Community House, 7 Park Rd, Crib Point. Please let us know your coming, as seating is limited… The evening will be a literal ‘Soul Lift’.

Galactic Soul Retreat: I am planning (with a likeminded energetic colleague) Three-days, Nov 22nd-25th, encompassing body, mind and soul – discovery, recovery, healing, and expression. I’ll be sending out details and costs shortly, so if you have interest in this please let me know. The event will be situated a couple of hours out of Melbourne, and we will be having the delightful country resort to ourselves.

I will also be offering some full day and two day enjoyable ‘EarthSpirit-SoulSymmetry’ courses. These include my uniquely spiritually evolved Numerology for everyone, and basic Human Design and Galactic Kin Codes that give everyone something more to take away and explore. I will also offer Intuitive/Psychic Medium and Intuitive Cardology (Oracle, Tarot and Playing cards) days/short courses from time to time

I am wondering if anyone is interested in zoom groups? For those whom are too far away to make it down here, or simply would prefer to stay comfy in their own space. I could offer these occasionally, or as booked. Let me know if you’re interested and have a few friends in your area, you could tune in together.

Groups: I am currently facilitating Friday morning group -Crystal, Cards and Spirit which is a come when you can, 11 am till 12.30 pm group, followed with lunch at local (Hastings area) café’s after for whomever wishes to come along. The cost for the group is $20 pay at the door.

And, a weekly Tuesday evening development group, at Crib Point community house- 7pm the cost is $35 per week and it is a committed group and payment is required to keep your seat available unless there are mitigating circumstances. The energy of such a group builds with the same regular sitters, dedication and respect. We cover, psychic, intuitive, mediumship and other facets of interest and metaphysics. I currently have space for approx. three new sitters, who will align and resonate with the group and the energy that spirit wish to convey weekly, so there is always a trial period – please feel free to contact me if interested. 0403484892.

*News: Have you subscribed to Supernal Magazine yet? We are getting ready to publish our 50th edition, which will be ‘pure Gold’, inside and out. Simply find and subscribe. The magazine will be downloaded to email bi monthly. Follow us on Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram.

Of Note: To keep up with any groups and classes, events and news that may be on offer, watch this space and please join my ShirleySienna at DiviningMe: The book of frequencies and Love Evolving Page on fb. A good place to start as I have a few diverse and interesting pages, and my personal friend page also. My website is

In Lak’ech Ala k’in – ShirleySienna

Keanu and Beni - Greyhound Life and Love

Human Design and the Sacred Symmetry of the Human Being.

Dreamspell  - sacred calender of the (Maya) human and the Natural Law of Time

Crystal skull gatherings, and interaction

Keanu travelled to the Rainbow Bridge.. 2 March 2021.. farewell my boy -faithful pal and  Inspiration  .. love you forever .. Beni has settled into life in the Hastings Haven and holds space and place for humans and animals who come to visit, and clients who wish to receive healing and connection to spirit. 

Beni joined me for a soul journ Sept 1, 2021. He is a beautiful boy and has helped my heart heal from the loss of my beloved companion Keanu and taken up his own space and place in our amazing sanctuary of spirit at home.

Beni the blue fawn greyhound ... a light in the darkness

From the heart of all things, may blessings light the way

ShirleySienna, Keanu and Beni..

Welcome to the Divining Me Website of

Watch out for upcoming classes events and workshops.

Headquarters in the beautiful and unique Westernport Bay area sees me offering my unique counsell and consults.

One on One personal affirmation and positive wellbeing meditations and divination from my private space in Hastings and appointed venues or in your own home.

Public spiritual development circle/class and workshops Tuesday evening and monthly specialty session on Thursday evenings as advised.

All readings, and consultations are by appointment - day and evening.

On this website is a blog, and bits and pieces that may take your interest and inspire you. Learn a little about crystal skulls, and please remember I 'gather and create', so public events, and presentations on many aspects of spirituality and personal unfoldment are always available and ready to be explored!

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