Readings Consult's and Sessions


"Divination (from Latin divinare "to foresee, to be inspired by a god", related to divinus, divine,) is the attempt to gain insight into a question or situation by way of an occultic standardized process or ritual. 

Used in various forms throughout history, diviners ascertain their interpretations of how a querent should proceed by reading signs, events, or omens, or through alleged contact with a supernatural agency. "

'Divining Me' pertains to body, mind and spirIt, Mediumship, and Spiritual Connections, Numerology and Intuitive messages.

Its time to move forward, changing and shifting thought and energy and therefore restructuring your reality, and moving into a state of being which is about realising your desires and regaining your personal the life you deserve.

Discovering how to use intention and understand divine guidance, in order to realign with your state of being, with Your own Divine Design .

Looking at past , present and possible future outcome, focusing on the now, and rebuilding and reassesing situations, may give you a feeling of self empowerment and ease to any situations in your life.

Putting it all together as  DIVINE SYMMETRY readings for the body mind and soul, in order to assist you to  bring about harmony and balance, insight, foresight , and abiltity to walk your talk, to realise your potential and purpose and to Love and Appreciate Yourself, because of Who You Are.

Why Divining ME ?

Simply because  life is about  divining the self, from birth till death 

It is realising the divine nature of the self.

It is the journey of 'self divination' and the realisation that it continues beyond the death state.

We take our experiences and new understandings with us...spiritual growth.

Costs and Services

Reading/Consutlations from $175 - cash or direct credit (unless otherwise agreed and advised for specific sessions) 

Spirit Medium, Psychic/Intuitive, (also Teaching and Facilitating)

Costs for teaching and one on one sessions, double bookings etc, as advised.

 Numerology, Oracle and Tarot Cards, Divine Design -Numerics, Galactic and Human Design Codes and type) crystal skull- earth wisdom intuitive past life influences.

Meditation / Spiritual development 

CONSULTATIONS …  Private, Public, Face to Face, One on One, On Line -Zoom and Facetime.



Please advise ShirleySienna if you have a voucher for a consultation, if you are a return client, and if you have attended one of her paid presentations.

Couples Combo

Whether you are a new or long time couple, or thinking about being a couple .. its a great idea to see how your chart interacts and aligns.. similarites and differences.

Understanding ourselves and our 'other' can resolve, heal and bring great light to any relationship.

Couples Combo is $250

Spirit Included!

Spirit usually loves to make an 'appearance' in any reading, and bring personal and accurate communication, so please be aware that your loved ones, guides and teachers are always by your side and taking part in any session... Just Sayin'

Personal Inner Healing Sessions

Lyrebird Inner Healing Meditation Session... A session with the crystal skulls, meditation, personal and positive suggestions and affirmations.

Relax into an altered state and allow inner shifts and realizations to occur.

On its own -1 hour $150 -Oracle card and guidance included.

You can also combine this with a reading/Consultation. POA

A Childs Garden of Soul

Childrens Personal insight of Design $125 and $100 each child thereafter .. and larger families can have a family deal .

Intuitively written information of the gifts and qualities, of your child, as indicated by their birth numbers, oracle and intuitive spirit .......................................$150

For each following child in a family reading $100 or family quote for everyone.

This is not a futuristic prediction, nor is is set in stone. But it is an indication of what may be possible in your childs developent and life path as given by the guides an loved ones in spirit.

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